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9 Classificações nos últimos dois anos
Keine Ankündigung des Ortes der Party trotz Tickets und Nachfragen beim Veranstalter. Ein totaler Ausfall und nur eine Enttäuschung.
No announcement of the location of the party despite tickets and inquiries to the organizer. A total failure and just a disappointment.
Thank you so much, im really hlad i registered to this party it was amazing. Thank you to the organisors.
ViviTapete 29. setembro
Good location with a dancefloor and play rooms downstairs although a bit too small for such a big crowd.
There were change rooms where you could put on your costume/fetish wear.

The staff was really nice and inclusive. The people were fun and friendly.

Only downside: like I already mentioned, there were a bit too many people for the location, it got really packed at the peak of the night. Maybe a bigger location can be found for the next event?

But all in all I can say that I had a fantastic night and would love to come again.
Very good organisation. Music, vibes and atmosphere were amazing
100% well organized and fun !!
A bit too crowded and smelly downstairs
La primera vez que voy a una fiesta así y la verdad que muy bien, buen ambiente, buena música, buena acogida al llegar. Repetiré seguro. Lo único que me me dejo un poco molesto es ver a gente en tejanos por la fiesta, cuando había un dresscode y yo le dedique tiempo y dinero a encontrar un outfit adecuado.
La experiencia ha sido muy positiva.
A destacar, el buen rollo en general, la música y las performances.
A mejorar, el control sobre algunos chicos solos (sé que es difícil y que pasa en muchos locales, pero tuvimos que parar un juego en grupo porque, literalmente, nos rodearon polla en mano) y la disponibilidad de preservativos en la barra.
Me a encantado de todas las fiestas la mejor