Does anyone know any motel in american style? With parking at room door and easy and discreet access to the room from the outside? preferably between venlo and Eindhoven.
I don’t know about an American style motel/hotel but I do know about a hotel with a back entrance where you can let people in without going by the reception.
Thermaalbad en hotel Arcen. They have a parking lot in the back with door.
I am sure there are more hotels like this.
In Belgium there are rooms where you park the car in an indoorgarage. Door shuts behind you. The room is upstairs.
very private. The checking in and out is still quite public, on a major road. Would have been beter if these locations where of road.
A little further in the direction of Breda, hotel Gilze (van der Valk) has large rooms at the back (ground floor) where tou can park your car. They also have appartment like rooms, those are more recent.
In the other hand: Hotel Eindhoven has an entrance that is not facing reception where you can catch the elevator in 10 meters from the entrance. It's so crowded they won't pay attention to you.
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