dimanche 24 novembre 2024 - de 11:00
Heure locale

Tempelhofer Damm 145
12099 Berlin

Une personne inscrite

0 pas encore confirmées

0 pré-inscrites

21 vues

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We will explore why Role Play is such a popular activity for so many, uncovering and unpicking some of the many different types of play
Role Play

In this workshop we will discuss and explore why people Role Play, what it can bring to your intimate relationships in terms of deepening connections, trying new things and doing so in a shame free playful space that allows you to leave behind the expectations of your everyday roles in your own life and society at large. Bringing together our own professional experience and creative ideas, we will take you through how to make your own scenes, from picking a scenario, planning the scene, negotiating with your partner(s) and how to create a character for yourself that you can return to time and time again if you wish. There will be space for practical experimenting, with the option to indulge in the wide selection of toys, tools and props that the studio has to offer.

This workshop is for anyone who is new to exploring the concept of Role Play alone or with their partners. Please be open to working with others whether you are attending as a couple or single, we will be doing some group exercises throughout the day.

The day-long workshop will be composed of 4 modules:

Introductions to each other & the concept of Role Play
Sharing what experiences and expectations we have – Discovering our ‘why’
Different Types of Role Plays, Writing a Scene
Thinking about the various scenarios that could happen, breaking down how to plan in depth
Writing a Character for yourself & Writing a fantasy scene with another
Finding a character that suits us, sharing this with others. Planning individual fantasy scenes
Trying out our scenes & characters in pairs or groups, closing round.
Time for practical experimentation with what we’ve been working on.
Please bring with you any materials you wish to use during the workshop, this could be props, toys, costumes, make up.

Groupe cible

This workshop is for anyone who is new to exploring the concept of Role Play alone or with their partners. Please be open to working with others whether you are attending as a couple or single, we will be doing some group exercises throughout the day.

Code vestimentaire

Please bring with you any materials you wish to use during the workshop, this could be props, toys, costumes, make up.


Les inscriptions sont validées par l'organisateur au cas par cas.
Pour tous les invitésPour les membres 
Femme:130,00 €130,00 €
Homme:130,00 €130,00 €


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* = Champ obligatoire

REMARQUE: L'organisateur est le seul responsable de l'évènement. Les données et contenus sont basés sur les informations fournies par l'organisateur sans garantie d'exactitude et d'exhaustivité. Des frais supplémentaires peuvent être encourus pour l'utilisation complète de tous les services.

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Envie de savoir qui d'autre sera présent ?

En tant que membre JOYclub, vous pouvez voir sur la liste des invités qui s'est inscrit pour cet évènement.

Crée vite un profil, inscris-toi pour l'évènement et c'est parti !

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