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Make Love in English please V

Make Love in English please V

samedi 30 novembre 2024 - de 21:00
Heure locale

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65185 Wiesbaden, Hesse

Remise JOYclub

2 personnes inscrites

0 pas encore confirmées

22 pré-inscrites

270 vues

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Enjoy the pleasures of lust - without the difficult language barrier! It doesn't matter where you come from, as long as you speak English and want to have an evening of active joyclub fun!
This is the only and a very special event for International English-speaking couples and women. We have talked with many people from international backgrounds who had difficulties mixing up because of the language barrier. German isn't an easy language to learn - and flirting in German while on an exciting joyclub party is no easy task either! We want to make it possible and easy for sexy English-speaking people to meet, flirt and have an active party with lots of *blowjob* and *popp* and more!

We would like to invite people of all nationalities (yes, also our German friends!) to this event - so wherever you are from, you are welcome, just remember: the language of communication this evening will be English!

We have limited space, so if you dont want to miss the chance, sign up now!

And if we don't know you yet, please open your photo album or send us a picture with your faces because we would love to know beforehand whom we are going to party with! *gg*

Snacks and drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) are provided, as well as everything you need for a sexy evening. You just need to bring yourselves in sexy clothing!

And now an important additional information: our events are non-smoking events! Due to current circumstances, we have decided to keep it that way in the future. As I said, we are not a big club and we don't want to disturb our neighbors, for example by tipping cigarettes on the driveways or making noise from people smoking and chatting outside. In addition, smokers who go out obviously have to come back in again and so we have an on and off cycle for half the night where the door opens... so if you can't stand the evening without it, we unfortunately have to say: We're not the right place for you, sorry!
For everyone else there is a small plus: smoke-free encounters *zwinker*

This is the 5th event of this series for International English speaking guests. Read here the expierinces from the last event Expériences et avis à propos de Make Love in English please (Couples Party)

We have a new advance payment concept - if you pay up to a week in advance, you have a very reasonable price! And there is also a box office! But only for registered, confirmed guests!

Groupe cible

English speaking couples and single ladies who are looking for an active night of fun with other English speakers!

Code vestimentaire

Sexy clothing is appreciated - for the gents this means no jeans but for example cloth pants and a shirt. For the ladies it can be nice dress, clubwear or simply nothing...
Just make sure to wear a coat, so we don't scare the neighbours *lach*

Notre communauté

English Speaking Couples
English Speaking Couples

This group is for English speaking couples and single women.

670 Membre


Les inscriptions sont validées par l'organisateur au cas par cas.
Pour tous les invitésPour les membres 
Femme:20,00 €
(AK: 40,00 €)
15,00 €
(Guichet: 30,00 €)
Couple:40,00 €
(AK: 80,00 €)
35,00 €
(Guichet: 70,00 €)
Prepayment is significantly cheaper, but is only valid up to one week before the event! So it's best to get started right away: register and transfer as soon as you're confirmed!

Entrance is between 9 to 10 pm - please come on time, not later, otherwise we have to wait at the door for so long and can't have fun with you.

Snacks and drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) are included in the price


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* = Champ obligatoire
Liste des invités (2)

REMARQUE: L'organisateur est le seul responsable de l'évènement. Les données et contenus sont basés sur les informations fournies par l'organisateur sans garantie d'exactitude et d'exhaustivité. Des frais supplémentaires peuvent être encourus pour l'utilisation complète de tous les services.

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Envie de savoir qui d'autre sera présent ?

En tant que membre JOYclub, vous pouvez voir sur la liste des invités qui s'est inscrit pour cet évènement.

Crée vite un profil, inscris-toi pour l'évènement et c'est parti !

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Envie de savoir qui d'autre sera présent ?

En tant que membre JOYclub, vous pouvez voir sur la liste des invités qui s'est inscrit pour cet évènement.

Crée vite un profil, inscris-toi pour l'évènement et c'est parti !

Devenir gratuitement membre maintenant


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