martes, 30 de julio de 2024 - a partir de 19:00
Europe/London (Zona horaria del evento)

102 personas inscritas

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Join us for an enlightening and empowering live event themed "Pleasure for Every Body," featuring the gorgeous Laura, also known as lady_firefox. This event aims to raise awareness and foster open conversations about the often-overlooked aspects of sexual health and pleasure, especially at the intersection of disability and sexuality. Together, we will delve into personal experiences, challenges, and the vital resources needed to enhance sexual well-being for all.

Key questions explored during the event will include:

❤️Personal experience around pleasure & intimacy.
❤️What should people know about in the realms of the intersection of disability and sexual health and pleasure?
❤️Specific challenges disabled people may face when it comes to sexual health and wellness.
❤️What kind of resources or support are needed to improve sexual health and pleasure

This event is designed to be a safe and inclusive space for candid discussions, aiming to break down stigmas and provide valuable insights into the diverse experiences of pleasure and sexuality. Whether you're seeking to learn, share, or simply listen, this is an opportunity to join a supportive community and gain a deeper understanding of pleasure for every body.


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Lista de asistentes (102)

NOTA: El correspondiente organizador es el único responsable del evento. Los datos y el contenido se basan en la información proporcionada por el organizador sin garantía de exactitud e integridad. El uso completo de todos los servicios puede acarrear costes adicionales.

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Así que crea tu perfil cuanto antes, inscríbete en el evento y comienza a disfrutar.

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¿Tienes curiosidad por ver a quién te encuentras?

Como miembro de JOYclub verás inmediatamente la lista de invitados inscritos inicialmente al evento.

Así que crea tu perfil cuanto antes, inscríbete en el evento y comienza a disfrutar.

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********Love Mujer
1.499 Publicación
Hey interessant, auf sowas hatte ich mal gewartet, leider jetzt in Englisch 🙄...meins ist leider nicht so gut, das ich da ne Stunde folgen könnte.
Wird's das auch nochmal auf Deutsch geben?
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7 Publicación
Autor de un tema 
Pleasure For Every Body - Vereinigtes Königreich (30.07.2024)
Join us for an enlightening and empowering live event themed "Pleasure for Every Body," featuring the gorgeous Laura, also known as lady_firefox. This event aims to raise awareness and foster open conversations about the often-overlooked aspects of sexual health and pleasure, especially at the intersection of disability and sexuality. Together, we will delve into personal experiences, challenges, and the vital resources needed to enhance sexual well-being for all.

Key questions explored during the event will include:

❤️Personal experience around pleasure & intimacy.
❤️What should people know about in the realms of the intersection of disability and sexual health and pleasure?
❤️Specific challenges disabled people may face when it comes to sexual health and wellness.
❤️What kind of resources or support are needed to improve sexual health and pleasure

This event is designed to be a safe and inclusive space for candid discussions, aiming to break down stigmas and provide valuable insights into the diverse experiences of pleasure and sexuality. Whether you're seeking to learn, share, or simply listen, this is an opportunity to join a supportive community and gain a deeper understanding of pleasure for every body.

Pleasure For Every Body

Vereinigtes Königreich

Pleasure For Every Body

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Pleasure For Every Body
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Annatiesknots 31. julio
Thank you for sharing your intimate insights into your sexuality and shining light on issues which may come with sex & disability. You both were great!
Kat_S 31. julio
It was a very insightful livestream about a very important topic!
Eduardo1000 31. julio
Super wars