
Power of Seduction and BDSM Manipulation

Power of Seduction and BDSM Manipulation

sábado, 12 de octubre de 2024 - a partir de 11:00
Hora local

Tempelhofer Damm 145
12099 Berlin, Berlín

0 personas inscritas

0 sin confirmar

7 apuntadas de momento

103 accesos

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Power of Seduction and BDSM Manipulation

“Is it hot in here?” It definitely is!

Prepare to step in a world of lust where you will feel like each message is made specially for you…

Seduction is a powerful tool that can be used to create desire, build tension, and establish control. By learning this art, you can captivate someone’s attention, evoke their desires, and ultimately lead them on a journey of pleasure and submission.

In a warm and welcoming atmosphere based on consent, the participants will learn to understand more on how the mind reads and interprets signs of seduction while exploring and practising the physical aspects of it under the guidance of professional Seductrix Lasciva Lust.

Target group:

Whether you are a beginner or experienced BDSM practitioner, or just want to play in private, this workshop will provide you with the tools and techniques to enhance your skills and deepen your understanding of power dynamics.

You are open minded, curious, and eager to learn and exchange.

In this workshop we will cover a range of topics such as:

-The psychology of seduction and manipulation;
-Techniques for creating desire and building tension;
-Seductive Power dynamics in BDSM;
-Boundaries and Consent;
-How to obtain (and keep) the control
What to bring/prepare:

-Pen and paper for notes;
-Outfit or a piece, accessory, whatever helps you to get into your element is encouraged but not mandatory, it is a personal choice.
Be curious! Let’s seduce together!

Grupo objetivo

Whether you are a beginner or experienced BDSM practitioner, or just want to play in private, this workshop will provide you with the tools and techniques to enhance your skills and deepen your understanding of power dynamics.

Código de vestuario

Outfit or a piece, accessory, whatever helps you to get into your element is encouraged but not mandatory, it is a personal choice.


El organizador del evento autoriza individualmente las inscripciones.
Para todos los invitadosPara miembros Premium
Mujer:EUR 130.00EUR 130.00
Hombre:EUR 130.00EUR 130.00


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NOTA: El correspondiente organizador es el único responsable del evento. Los datos y el contenido se basan en la información proporcionada por el organizador sin garantía de exactitud e integridad. El uso completo de todos los servicios puede acarrear costes adicionales.

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¿Tienes curiosidad por ver a quién te encuentras?

Como miembro de JOYclub verás inmediatamente la lista de invitados inscritos inicialmente al evento.

Así que crea tu perfil cuanto antes, inscríbete en el evento y comienza a disfrutar.

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