
Sex-Ed Sensation & Pressurepoints

Sex-Ed Sensation & Pressurepoints

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2024 - a partir de 19:00
Hora local

Tempelhofer Damm 145
12099 Berlin, Berlín

0 personas inscritas

0 sin confirmar

2 apuntadas de momento

27 accesos

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A course aimed at those who want to learn more about sensations, going over subjects like general pleasure play, sensory deprivation, taste, sound and various other sensations.
Sex-Ed Sensation & Pressurepoints

General sex-ed does not mention sensations as a part of sex yet we know how adding a simple blindfold or the right kind of music can add to sexual pleasure and help set the mood. In relation to BDSM using senses and sensations is an important way to create the right atmosphere and start to a good session. There is much to experience and learn through this subject in relation to pleasure and pain. In this course we aim to go deeper into what sensations and sensory play has to offer when it comes to general pleasure and sex.

– What awaits the participants

We will be teaching the basics of sensations and sensory play with the aid of lectures, conversations and of course demonstrations.

– Target group

Any person who wants to learn the basics of how to play with sensations.

– Content sequence

Basics – Anatomy
Erogenous zones
Pressure points
Sensory deprivation
Suspension (bdsm leather ankle cuffs)

– What to bring / prepare?

Pen and paper aren’t a requirement but recommended as we will be going over a lot of information in a very short time.

Covid 3G+

Grupo objetivo

Anfängerinnen und allgemein Interessierte.

Código de vestuario



El organizador del evento autoriza individualmente las inscripciones.
Para todos los invitadosPara miembros Premium
Mujer:EUR 55.00EUR 55.00
Hombre:EUR 55.00EUR 55.00


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* = Campo obligatorio

NOTA: El correspondiente organizador es el único responsable del evento. Los datos y el contenido se basan en la información proporcionada por el organizador sin garantía de exactitud e integridad. El uso completo de todos los servicios puede acarrear costes adicionales.

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