
The Yoni massage - an experience report

On the way to your own center

Five years ago, our JOYclub member Michaela received her first yoni massage - this is what a tantric massage of the female genital area is called. This experience was so impressive for her that she booked many more sessions, learned the massage herself and now offers it to other women in Frankfurt/Main. She now talks about her "first time" in JOYclub.

On the way to your own center

Five years ago, I wasn't really satisfied with my sexuality. I had the feeling that I was living it out rather superficially. I felt that more doors could open, much more intense doors could open. If only I knew how I could get there!

Then I read a short report about the yoni massage (Yoni is the Indian Sanskrit term (ancient Indian language) for the entire female genital area) and it made me very curious. Deep down I felt that this could be a path for me and I made an appointment for a yoni massage before my courage could leave me again.

In good hands at the Tantra Massage Institute

I arranged a two-hour massage at a reputable massage Tantra institute. I turned up freshly showered and very nervous. A completely normal woman in normal clothes greeted me in a very friendly manner and introduced herself as Katrin. She welcomed me into her premises, which radiated warmth and security. Among other things, there was a massage bench in the room with a feather, soft fur and a string of pearls.

We sat down in a corner of the massage room and she offered me something to drink. First she told me a little about the Yoni massage and how she came to do it. My nervousness slowly fell away. She asked me lots of questions about my sexuality and how I felt about my body. I was amazed at how the questions moved me. I had never thought about it like that before. How do I like to be touched, which parts feel good to me, what do I particularly like? These questions had a long-lasting effect afterwards - ultimately to this day through a more mindful approach to myself.

Katrin explained to me that these answers were helpful for her to tailor the massage perfectly to me, but also for me to think about myself. After about 30 minutes of chatting about the massage, my curiosity was at a peak - I finally wanted to know what it's like.

Katrin asked me to take off my clothes and put on the towel provided, while she left the room only to return also with a towel around her body. We sat down opposite each other and she asked me to place my hands in hers. We closed our eyes and she took me on a little body journey in which she asked me to leave everyday life at the door and to arrive completely in the here and now.

After a few deep breaths, she then asked me for permission to touch my body, everywhere and without exception. It was clear to me what this question was aimed at, but it suddenly felt so natural that this could happen here and now, and so I said from the bottom of my heart: "Yes, you can touch me everywhere"... I had never been asked so mindfully before.

Tip: Massage videos in JOYclub

Anyone who wants to pamper their partner or friends privately with a special massage can learn the basic techniques for themselves. Various tantra studios offer seminars, or you could learn by watching some helpful videos. Here's a few resources in JOYclub:

Tutorial for a vaginal massage
A tantra massage experience report

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Paradisiacal: a sensual tantric massage to kick things off

And so I lay naked on my stomach. The room was toasty warm. I lay on an electric blanket and Katrin covered me with the sheet. Calm, sensual music played in the background. And then came touches that I could hardly get enough of. Slow, long body strokes over the cloth, later directly on my skin. From the top of my head to the tips of my feet and back again.

Mood and atmosphere promote well-being.
Mood and atmosphere promote well-being.

Never fast, never superficial, I always felt the presence of her hands on my body. Sometimes with my hands, sometimes with my forearms and sometimes I also felt the softness of her breasts, but always unobtrusively. No area was left out, but no area was emphasized either. When she had slowly and playfully removed the cloth, I was allowed to feel a feather all over my body. She slowly passed a fur over me and then a string of pearls. Wow, how different it feels when you don't just wear it around your neck as a piece of jewelry.

On the one hand I was electrified, on the other I was melting away comfortably. Space and time no longer mattered. Katrin whispered in my ear that the many different materials sensitized my skin and sharpened my senses. Yes, I could only agree with that. At some point, she must have taken off her scarf and we were both naked. However, I clearly sensed that I didn't have to fear any 'coming on' here, it was more about the fact that we met on the same level. This is one of the tantric thoughts: Being equal.

And then, in an incredibly sensual way, Katrin let warm oil glide over my skin. She massaged my scalp, slowly massaged my back and massaged my buttocks. Since that day, I really appreciate when someone pays attention to my bum in that way.

Tantra and massage at JOYclub

  • In the Member search you can filter out members who are also interested in tantra under "Preference for".
  • We also have a large video section where you can watch the Massage videos of our members.
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She explained to me that the buttocks is where the first "Yoni opener" was located. I could only agree with this, since the feeling of shame had at this point long disappeared. I rather wondered why I had waited sooo long for such a beautiful massage. After my legs and feet had been massaged and touched, she asked me to lie on my back and I was covered with the towel again.

She let feather and fur dance on me and then ... I felt the warm oil on my breasts.

This was followed by a wonderful facial massage including the neck. She also played on the front again with her hands on the cloth and later without the cloth. She performed these beautiful long body strokes again, and she kept taking my mons veneris and breasts into the massage without meaning to. She let feather and fur dance on me and then ... I felt the warm oil on my breasts.

A gentle stroking, just as I had wished for in the preliminary talk, made me shiver. And she never stopped touching my breasts. Sometimes she stroked a large figure of eight around both breasts, sometimes she drew large and small circles with the oil on the breasts and sometimes plucked at the nipples.

I could feel the love with which she carried out her work, but with the distance that being professional requires. I was overcome by a wave of emotion, it just washed over me and I had to cry a little with happiness.

Standard equipment in every massage facility: the massage bench.
Standard equipment in every massage facility: the massage bench.

I lay there, completely inspired, feelings of happiness washing over me. I could only feel myself and my body. From time to time I heard Katrin ask if it was pleasant and when I answered yes, she asked if it could be any nicer: Yes, I had arrived in paradise. She later explained to me that it often happens that the person being massaged is so touched that they have to cry, but that it doesn't deter her from doing what she does. Rather, it was a signal for her, that she has touched someone deep inside and that she is on the right path.

After she had massaged the front of my legs a little more, we moved on to the yoni massage. She sat down with me on the massage bench and I was able to comfortably place my legs on hers. She was far from being a stranger to me anymore (even though I had seen her for the first time less than two hours ago) and I had the feeling that she had known me for a long time and knew what was good for me. And so it was no issue for me to lie down with my legs spread apart in front of her. She massaged my stomach a little and then placed both hands on my abdomen to, as she said, welcome my uterus. It was a lovely feeling, a bit like being "held".

And then it began, the yoni massage

Katrin "bathed" her hands in lubricant and stroked her hands up and down the mons veneris and labia without applying much pressure to spread the gel. Veeeery slowly, in fact, everything she did was infinitely slow. She massaged every single outer and inner labia deep into the tissue and stroked from the mound of Venus over the shaft and the clit. The same movement over and over again - it felt like an infinity.

Katrin put her finger in my entrance and asked me, if it was okay for me, to pull it in.

And she asked me if it was nice to be touched here and I said yes, then she stayed right there for what felt like an eternity. And if I wanted her touch a little more to the left or up ... she followed my wishes and asked each time if it could be even nicer, if she should change something else.

Interestingly, I hardly got aroused at all, instead I felt like I wanted to explore my yoni with Katrin's hands and fingers. There were suddenly so many new beautiful spots that I had never been aware of before. I wanted to explore, find and discover them all. When Katrin asked sometime later whether I was ready for an inner yoni massage, I wanted to know what such a massage felt like on the inside. Until then, I was more familiar with penetration during sex, where there are clear goals in mind. But now that it was all about the feeling with no destination, I was curious.

Katrin put her finger in my entrance and asked me, if it was okay for me, to pull it in. Hmm, how would that work? But lo and behold, my yoni really craved this finger and opened up of its own accord to let it in. Very slowly, the finger slid inside me and stayed there for a long time without moving at all.

Letting go in a harmonious environment ...
Letting go in a harmonious environment ...

I had so much time to get used to it while she placed her other hand on my uterus. That sense of security again, a wonderful feeling. Katrin invited me to explore my inner yoni with her. She touched my inner vaginal walls in a clockwise direction with her finger and applied light pressure at many points.

Again, these touches were very slow and she kept talking to me about what I was feeling and what she was sensing there. Which was really exciting, because we women can't feel ourselves inside like that. She later explained to me in a follow-up conversation that you can also do "yoni healing massages" in that way - which I now also offer myself.

Here, blockages in the form of hardenings in the yoni are released through massage. These can be various feelings or experiences, such as fear, grief, trauma from miscarriages or rape, for example. However, this does not happen in the first yoni massage and also not without preparation in the preliminary talk.

Tears of bliss

Back to my first time: over and over again, she stroked my body, my breasts and down my legs with one hand, while the finger of the other hand moved inside me. When she had finished feeling and massaging my insides in a clockwise direction, she touched my G-spot. She massaged it slowly, always keeping in touch with me to see if she was still in the right place. She kept inviting me to breathe and thereby distribute the resulting energy throughout my body.

Well, what happened next is difficult to describe in words. The G-spot changed. According to Katrin, it became spongier and fuller and suddenly "opened up". For me, it felt like I was entering a new space. It was all so peaceful. There was nothing I had to worry about. Just floating and being. A very moving experience and I shed a few tears of bliss again.

After about two hours of pure massage time, Katrin brought the massage to a close with this experience. She let her finger lie quietly inside me again and I was told to close my yoni again. She gave me a nice image for this: "Imagine your yoni is open like a flower and now you are closing it again, petal by petal." And when it was closed again and I was ready, I should give her a sign. When I was ready to emerge again, she slowly pulled her finger out and placed her hand protectively on the outside of my mons veneris. A very nice feeling. I was then able to turn onto my stomach and remain lying down, she covered me with the sheet and left me alone to rest a little longer to some relaxing music.

Just float and be.

Afterwards, she brought me something to drink. I had the opportunity to take a shower and when we were dressed again, we had a short final talk in which I could ask questions or express my feelings. On the way home, I felt like I was glowing. Everyone could see that I had just come from another planet. This feeling of happiness lasted for a few days.

This was not an orgiastic experience, rather a feeling inside myself through the hands of Katrin, whom I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart for her loving, unintentional massage and the way she took away my shyness.

Continuing on the path of the Yoni massage

From this first experience I wanted to learn more about the Yoni massage. I booked the basic seminar for yoni massage with Nhanga Ch. Grunow (Link) and realized that I had found something here that I wanted to develop further. So I completed the women's massage training "The Pearl Gate", which is the training cycle for women's massage with Nhanga.

The diverse tools of a tantric masseuse ...
The diverse tools of a tantric masseuse ...

For two years now I have had my own massage practice for women in Frankfurt/Main (Link). I continue to learn and deepen my knowledge of the female genital area, the G-spot, female ejaculation pleasure and ecstasy, but also the possibilities of healing on a spiritual level through special techniques in yoni massage. Today I see myself as a women's masseuse and educator.

My massages are not primarily about orgasm. Rather, I want women to come to me who want to (re)connect with their innermost center, their powerful center. They want to become aware of their "womanhood" again. In my massages, I don't push women anywhere and "do" things to them, but rather follow their inner energy flow, their inner movements. This always results in wonderful encounters, sometimes pleasurable, sometimes healing, sometimes orgiastic, always just as the woman can and wants to get involved.

The author

Michaela, who completely changed her life after her first tantric massage and dedicated herself to massage.
Michaela, who completely changed her life after her first tantric massage and dedicated herself to massage.

We would like to thank our member Yonimasseurin for these insights. Michaela Hau has been giving yoni massages (full body massage for women including intimate massage) in her own practice in Frankfurt/Main. The focus of her work is to accompany women on their way to their very own center. She is not concerned with stimulation and orgasm, but rather wants women to listen more to their body's signals again and let them develop ... and not chase (or even fake) orgiastic experiences. She began her training in 2006 after booking a yoni massage herself out of curiosity.

She also offers "Tantra for three" for couples. Here she massages the woman together with her partner in a 4-hand massage. The massaging partner follows her hands and learns a lot about the yoni massage, which he can then put into practice at home.

Her wish with her work is for women to become fully aware of their bodies (again).

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