
Nudism - being naked and free

The naked truth about the cult of the body

Being naked means being free - at least for nudists. But their concept of freedom does not always meet with a positive reaction within society.

The motive of nudists to expose themselves to the utmost in the wild is often misunderstood. Nudists strive for freedom when they undress, not for provocation. They have no sexual ulterior motives when they take off their clothes in nature.


The term nudism is derived from the Latin word "nudo", which simply means naked. Nudism is a practiced attitude to life not an illness. The naked body is seen as natural and free, and no one needs to be ashamed of it.

Nudists love freedom

Nudists are people who enjoy the naturalness of their bodies to the full. For this reason, they are also called naturists. True to the motto "Back to the roots", they move around in the great outdoors in Adam and Eve costumes, completely free of clothing.

While the followers of naturism figuratively shed their constraints when undressing, society imposes new burdens on them at the same time. Not everyone has an understanding for naked skin in their own environment. Not everyone is inspired by the feeling of pure nudity. Nudists therefore have to deal with accusations that they are deliberately trying to provoke. After all, influenced by the porn industry, nudity has long gone hand in hand with the concept of sexuality. But it is precisely at this point that it is necessary to draw a line.

Being close to nature is not exhibitionism

Nudists like to be naked in nature, including when cycling... but only in places where no public nuisance is to be feared.
Nudists like to be naked in nature, including when cycling... but only in places where no public nuisance is to be feared.

Nudists are not exhibitionists. Showing off their naked bodies strengthens the sense of well-being of freedom-loving nudists, but by no means their sexual ambitions. In the exibitionism sexual arousal is created by triggering shocking reactions. However, nudism is not intended to cause such a scandalous sensation.

Nudists live out their closeness to nature by moving the way they were once born. Exciting thoughts are therefore generally absent among nudists. Their concern is the enjoyment of nature - without a direct connection to sexuality. Of course, nudists are also sexual beings who live out their needs, but without the presence of involuntary onlookers.

The subtle difference: naturists and nudists

Nudists are basically naturists. But not all naturists are nudists. The subtle difference between freedom-loving nudists is that nudists don't just live out their preference when bathing and sunbathing, as "ordinary" nudists do, but want to practice it in all areas of life.

Whether in their own four walls or in the fresh air, nudists pursue the goal of practising all their activities without clothes, as far as possible. Because not every area of life is like a nudist-beach.

Nudists are those who live out their naturist culture in designated places or within organized clubs. In everyday situations, they prefer to face their fellow human beings clothed.

Where nudists are allowed to expose themselves

Although the presence of nudity in the media has increased continuously since the 1960s, freedom of movement is only tolerated in special places. In contrast to other countries, however, Germany offers sufficient space in which nudism can develop freely.

Naked skin is largely tolerated on beaches and bathing lakes. As is well known, nudists can live out their sense of freedom on designated nudist beaches. In public spaces, however, where the line between nudism and exhibitionism is drawn, posing naked away from an advertising poster is seen as a nuisance to the general public, although no law prescribes a dress code. The right to free development does not always apply. Although public nudity is not punishable by law, offenders often have to pay a fine for their offense.

 However, liberal nudity also has its limits. For example, it is probably impossible to go to work naked.
However, liberal nudity also has its limits. For example, it is probably impossible to go to work naked.

There is no externally imposed order on private property. As long as a nudist is not deliberately provocative, it is permitted to indulge in nudism on private property that is visible. Tolerant neighbors make life easier in any case.

Far away from city centers in the idyllic countryside, there are also fewer incidents of nuisance. Naked horse riders or joggers can let off steam outdoors in the woods because the likelihood of causing a public nuisance is very low. In many places in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France, groups have now even established themselves that pursue activities together without wearing clothing during their leisure time. Cycling, hiking or even rowing are also an experience in the nude.

Nudism boosts the economy

In addition to nudist areas on beaches, naturism has conquered entire campsites and vacation villages. According to media reports, around ten million Germans live out their nudist streak on vacation.

In some countries, such as France and Croatia, there are vacation resorts where nudity is not only permitted on the beach.
In some countries, such as France and Croatia, there are vacation resorts where nudity is not only permitted on the beach.

Probably the most popular nudist domicile is the French town Cap d'Adge on the Mediterranean coast. The naturist quarter is a stronghold for nudists and welcomes around 40,000 nudists in the high season. In Cap d'Adge, the world seems to be upside down: Not only on the beach, but also in supermarkets, bars and nightclubs, nudists move around free of clothing. Anyone who wears textiles in the nudist quarter secures the status of an outsider.

However, in recent years there has been an increase in the number of nudists voyeurs and swingerwho are increasingly transforming the beach of the nudist camp into a large love playground. The economy is not bothered by the sex tourists, as sex is known to sell well. Unfortunately, however, the reputation of the nudists suffers as a result. And so prejudices arise.


On the following paragraphs you will find an interview with a nudist. JOYclub member nononono gave us answers to our questions.

We have interviewed our member nonono about his love of nudism. Read the naked facts here.

Live out nudism

Is nudism a kind of hobby for you or rather a way of life?

nononono: It's not a hobby at all, nudism is a way of life. Anyone who is naked just for fun has a sexual ulterior motive - my opinion! Nudists also have sexual thoughts, but that's not why they are naked.

When and how often are you naked?

nononono: As much as my surroundings allow. I definitely don't want to bother anyone. So I wear far too little. As soon as I'm alone, I get rid of all my clothes, whether it's when I come home, when I'm alone in the office, somewhere in the great outdoors or even when I'm driving long distances, but always on the beach.

Under no circumstances do I want to bother anyone.

What opportunities do you take to go naked? Are you also naked in public?

nononono: I take every opportunity. The public is also the nudist beach, the sauna, but also the bench or the marketplace. I'm naked wherever it's allowed and even when I don't think anyone will see me. I have a wooded area where I jog naked, and no one sees me in the car, for example.

The feeling of being naked

JOYclub member nononono is a nudist with heart and soul.
JOYclub member nononono is a nudist with heart and soul.

How does being naked make you feel?

nononono: An infinite freedom. Being a human being as part of nature, that's why I like being outside. There's no "clothes make the man" or anything like that. We'd all be the same naked.


Why do you enjoy being naked?

nononono: Then I am me.

Do you get a kick out of voyeurs watching you when you're naked or do you feel a rejection of it?

nononono: A kick, yes and no. If someone could see me, it would depend on the situation whether I would get excited or not. I actually assume that nobody sees me. I would play with a real voyeur, after all it's fun to dominate the other person. I wouldn't feel rejected as long as I wasn't being harassed, I'm very open-minded and tolerant.

Nudists, naturists, exhibitionists: a pigeonhole?

Do you differentiate between nudists and naturists / between nudists and exhibitionists? If so, where would you draw the line?

nononono: Clear yes, nudists are naked on vacation or on the beach, i.e. occasionally. Nudists would always be naked if they were allowed to. Exhibitionists show their private parts and enjoy arousal. That's not what a nudist is about at all.

Perhaps that sounds as if we nudists don't like sex. But we do just as much as non-nudists. Like every man, I think about sex a lot. I also get aroused when I see a hot woman, for example on the beach. I also sometimes have the urge to show myself naked - but without a boner - and walk along the beach or have my cam on while chatting. I also like to look at other bodies, just like a normal man.

Exhibitionists show their genitals and enjoy arousal. That's not what a nudist is about at all.

What have you always wanted to do naked that you haven't been able to do yet?

nononono: The question sounds like, how daring am I or is there exhibitionism behind it? No, just living naked without others having ulterior motives and tearing their mouths apart and without it being something forbidden.

Nudism has limits

Where is it forbidden for you to show yourself naked?

nononono: I think the question is aimed at places where nudity is not normal, such as a nudist beach....
The moment I bother or offend someone else with the sight of me, it is forbidden for me. Different cultures see a naked person as an insult. Even if I think that the sight of a clothed person can be quite a nuisance.

Even towards children, as I don't know how they are brought up. Children wouldn't feel bothered by it, but I also don't know whether I'm doing them any harm. So I'm very, very careful. My children are used to their naked dad and I've been able to talk to them about it. Churches wouldn't be a problem either, as the gods of all religions created us naked after all. But I would never do it out of respect for people.

Have you ever come into conflict with the law because of nudity?

nononono: No.

Thank you very much for the interview!