
Female Led Relationship (FLR)

Women as leader, men as follower

The Female Led Relationship (FLR for short) is also often referred to as a female-led relationship, but is more accurately described as "woman leads and man follows". FLR is often part of the BDSM. We'll tell you what this type of play looks like and what you can expect as a femdom should know about it.

Female led relationship - what is FLR?

When the woman, the dominant part, takes the lead in a relationship, it is referred to as a Female Led Relationship. The prerequisite for a female led relationship is therefore a relationship with a submissive and ideally masochistic partner.

The aim of FLR is for the submissive partner to be an attentive and good servant to his mistress. Beforehand, both partners make arrangements for the relationship, sometimes down to the smallest detail and possibly even with so-called FLR contracts.

The 5 stages of a relationship

The Female Led Relationships can be led and lived out in different intensities. The five elements (also known as the 5 Food Groups) define the degree of control the femdom over the partner.

  • Finances
  • Recreation
  • Household
  • Sex
  • Career and life planning

FLR relationship levels - from level 1 to 4

Now we come to the interesting part - control! In the Female Led Relationship, both partners agree on the degree of control exercised by the Femdom. This ranges from a low level of influence, for example by limiting decision-making power, through to full control where the submissive partner is no longer allowed to have any will of their own. The submissive partner then becomes independent of the female leadership absolutely dependent - in all areas of the relationship.

  • FLR relationship level 1: The first stage is basically not a real FLR relationship at all. The woman has heard about the topic and is basically interested in it. However, there are no real agreements or rules at this stage. In this stage, women usually just feel out how a partner reacts to their wishes and requests. In practice, this could mean that you tell your husband that you want him to do more around the house and spoil you more.
  • FLR relationship level 2: Those who have tried stage 1 often relish the thought of more help around the house, more pampering or even more rewards. In stage 2, women therefore give their partners even more specific or more tasks. As a rule, there is no punishment or fetish involved in this stage. However, this stage is still about finding out whether a real FLR relationship is possible.
  • FLR relationship stage 3: This stage is known as the "official FLR stage". This is when things really get going. Women actively decide for both partners - in all areas of the FLR relationship. The man can be submissive in stage 3, possibly even chaste, but must support and pamper the woman in all respects. He is also pampered by her, but only when and how she sees fit.
  • FLR relationship level 4: This stage is referred to as extreme FLR. The fulfillment of fantasies and desires is even more intense than in stage 3. This stage is very diverse and individual, making a detailed description quite difficult. Men in this stage are often treated like slaves, objects or animals. In some cases, men in this stage are not allowed to do or say anything without female permission.

The rules of an FLR relationship

With FLR, there are no clear rules about what women should dictate to their submissive partners in the relationship. Instead, the female-led relationship is about her taking control in all (or at lower levels in some) areas of life.

The issue of FLR and sex in particular plays a big role for many. It is often claimed that FLR can do without sex altogether or that only the woman is pampered. But the reality is different. Women decide whether they want to have sex and if so, how often, when and where. Nevertheless, for many women, FLR sex is part of the relationship.

However, the interpretation is a matter for women, because each woman decides for herself how she controls her submissive partner. Sometimes it's FLR with a chastity belt and sometimes it's gentle flower sex. The main thing is that she likes it!

In some female led relationships, however, sexual intercourse with the partner is in fact completely avoided. The man is therefore kept as a so-called cuckold. Under certain circumstances, men are allowed to satisfy themselves in this relationship (but only under supervision), while the femdom enjoys herself with a lover or with herself.

However, there are no clear rules here either, as she alone decides what she likes with regard to the five areas of life - including sex in the relationship.

FLR in a marriage

Whether FLR is something for a relationship does not depend on the relationship status. It is just as possible in a relationship as in a marriage if the two partners are made for the Female Led Relationship.

Some women love to lean on a "strong shoulder" and would therefore not choose this role model of FLR. Men, on the other hand, are not always strong or don't always want to be, and in some cases prefer to relinquish control in their private lives (for example, if they are in a leadership position professionally). There are many reasons to choose the FLR relationship.

Find FLR relationship

Are you a dominant woman looking for a FLR partner to live out a female-led relationship? Then we look forward to your visit to JOYclub.

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