Sybian storage cabinet supplier?

****ke Couple
2 Posts
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Sybian storage cabinet supplier?
-- I posted this once in German in the "My JOYclub" thread and didn't get much traction. It just occurred to me to try posting it in English here to see if anyone has any thoughts. --

Does anyone know a European supplier for the Sybian storage cabinet? I can only find them in the US and the shipping costs more than double the price of the cabinet!

In the US:

I've already checked with (which is also, which is the place where we purchased the unit itself). They do not sell this storage cabinet (for the same reason, the shipping is too high!).

🙏🏼 Thanks in advance if anyone knows a good source. Save me the DIY attempt that would surely end in disaster! 😅 ...though, if anyone had a lead on good build instructions for a knock-off of this cabinet, please share as well. Thanks again.
*********_male Man
5 Posts
*********_male Man
5 Posts
Can I have a go on the sybian then *g*
****ke Couple
2 Posts
Thread creator 
Good idea, thanks for the recommendation! It's looking like I'm definitely going to be needing to explore alternate solutions because I'm certainly not paying to ship the one from the USA.

And we aren't offering trials 😆 at the moment, but I can vouch for; we rented one from there and it was surprisingly easy. They are great to work with, too, so we ended up just buying one from them after that.
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