Paypigs - A step too far into femdom?

*********rial Woman
60 Posts
Thread creator JOY-Team 
Paypigs - A step too far into femdom?
Hey JOYclubers!

Some BDSM games can become an actual part of everyday life for some people. If consensually practiced, no harm can be done, right? But what if they have actual, extensive consequences to your life?

So-called paypigs have a very special inclination: they don't merely submit to their dominatrix sexually, but financially as well. Expensive presents, gift cards, and even the direct transfer of money - Paypigs inflict financial pain on themselves as a type of punishment. To learn more about this phenomenon and gain insights from a self-proclaimed paypig, read our article here.

What do you think: Does this go too far? Are paypigs themselves responsible for their actions or is the dominatrix in the wrong?

Feel free to share your thoughts *blume*
*********life Woman
235 Posts
Roughly 10 years ago at the behest of my ex, I acquired a paypig. He bought me a pair of shoes.

I never enjoyed it. It felt a bit sleezy to me personally. He begged for pics of my feet in the shoes etc.

Honestly I’m happy to buy myself whatever I want and get more out of it.

Do I feel it goes too far? No, to each their own. Consenting mentally fit adults I’m all for it.
****fan Man
3 Posts
I personally don't think the dominatrixes do it for fun either. Its just usually old men with retirement money who want to spend it on women and there are a lot of young women who would want it.

Any other ' field ' or ' department ' and this would be considered an abuse of power. Yes women can be powerful, and yes men can be vulnerable.
**dx Man
6 Posts
Are there female paypigs, asking for a friend 😂😂
*****Sky Couple
6 Posts
I think it is great! And a total turn on. (talking from HER perspective)

Like any domination dynamic, dom should be very aware of their power. Gifts, demands and services should be always aligned with the resources the sub/slave/servant has: time, money or energy. It must feel "right" with a clear intention.

There has been many moments when I (as a femdom) wanted to have someone (slave/servant/sugardaddy) financing things in my life. Yet I haven't found a match beyond occasional flowers, frozen fruits or gift card to Vabali. I do have friends with sugar daddies paying their monthly 1000 eur credit card bills. If they both feel good about it, why not? I would love it too!
*******aker Woman
1 Posts
I think that financial dominance can be a very tasty and interesting game when it is consensual, when a good contact included. From my side I see it definitely not as 'he will pay and receive nothing'. Of course, some people can play like this. I see it as a good way to create emotions. Really to see emotional needs of so called Paypig, to be in contact with it and to help to fulfill them. I personally love to make presents to be a part of the real interaction. For example you want to touch me shortly in the cinema or somewhere in public place even if we met just for it for 5 minutes (having a dialogue, emotional play etc.). Than you buy the dress. And tickets. And may be it will be something what I choose and you will become a creator of my pleasure. Or it can be something what you choose and you will be also a part of my exploration 'How I can feel when I dress what I didn't choose'. And I can not like it, but it is the way to explore. And then we can meet and you can see me - in That dress and touch me in a way we agreed.

Or if the person into financial humiliation it can be an interesting game to have the legal way to go through 'You are not enough, give me more and may be one day I will tell you that you are the best'. But still it is about seeing needs and having connection.

So, everyone who want to play this game has their own way to get the pleasure from it.
*********nots Woman
323 Posts
As long as there is a beneficial energy exchange resulting in positivity, even if that is not obvious at first to all. Such an arrangement between consenting adults supposed to fair in it is own right as long as it is not abused.

I feel there is so much more to a D/S dynamic- punishment, reward, aftercare,
commitment, servitude, erotic energy ,...if too much is missing in the Paypig set up then it would be a shame *nono*
Paypig here . Kik shrimpdick28
I’m a pathetic sissy paypig who likes things on the more extreme side . Kik shrimpdick28
**********inge2 Man
120 Posts
If the paypig relation is bi-lateral between two people, it comes down to a "sugardaddy" relation.
If the receiving part (no matter what he or she is getting for it) is open to any person to act as desired as an award for a favor he or she is comparable to a prostitute.
So what is really special about it?
**********Licht Man
11 Posts
I think that a findom dominatrix is cheating on life, earning money for nothing. This is like breaking a social contract that we all earn our money by contributing to society in a productive way. But she revels in behaving like a freeloader. Bad karma, probably more so than for the "paypig" who burns his money for self-destructive pleasure.
*********ngue Man
1 Posts
To each their own. Have at it.
*********nots Woman
323 Posts
@**********Licht Money is an energy exchange. That creates certain emotions with various people and they do it for that reason.
@**********inge2 Agree, this is a kind of sex work, which if done by consenting adults for an agreed transaction is totally fine.
**C Man
12,524 Posts
Quote from *********nots:
Agree, this is a kind of sex work, which if done by consenting adults for an agreed transaction is totally fine. everywhere else, there are also excesses here. I saw a TV-report where men got totally into debt and could no longer support their families just to please their “mistress”...
******Two Couple
1 Posts
Since the paypig has to give his/her consent, I don’t see any problem with it. It would be wise to provide a “max budget” so no one’s being taking advantage of.

It’s work for the Mistress, too.
**********Licht Man
11 Posts
Quote from *********nots:
@**********Licht Money is an energy exchange. That creates certain emotions with various people and they do it for that reason.

Findom to me is like selling someone dying of thirst a simple glass of water for a thousand Pounds. Yes, that glass of water quenches the thirst, but the findom can be sure their prey's thirst is going to reappear.

You can regard this as an energy exchange. Okay. However, I regard women engaging in such a behaviour as reprehensible.

Also, can it still be called "energy exchange" within an erotic relationship when for the findom it's only about making money/making a living? I've seen findoms on Twitter/X sharing tipps on how to maximally strip their "paypigs" off their money. They were gloating and regarded it as kind of a trophy for them when they received their first single 1.000 dollar "donation" from one of their "paypigs" for literally nothing. This is not a mutual erotic game. It is calculated abuse.

Sure you can argue that a findom relationship is based on consent. But to me it's like a doctor advertising to be willing to amputate healthy limbs if a patient wants to get rid of them. Most people would regard a) that doctor's offer as being morally reprehensible and b) the "patient" being in dire need of psychological help.
**********inge2 Man
120 Posts
Quote from **C: everywhere else, there are also excesses here. I saw a TV-report where men got totally into debt and could no longer support their families just to please their “mistress”...

Well, yes, there are many ways how people can ruin themselves.

At least in Germany and many other contries nobody forbids alcohol at least for people >18 (beer and other kind of similar things >16, actually in bavaria beer is considered food ..) although quite a lot of people cannot cope with it and at least some of them ruin themselves, with prominent cases repored in the news.

So if two people >18 agree to this arrangement and the receiving part does not exploit mental deficites of the paying part, I do not see anything that could in Germany forbid such an arrangement.

With this precondition it is just an instance of many stupid things which people are allowed to do. Relally nothing special about it.
*********nots Woman
323 Posts
@**********Licht I despise that sort of disrespectful behaviour in the extreme way you're bringing up here. We are equal as men and women and these actions do not come from a good place...Money seems to ruin many things which should be handled emotionally only!
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