Poley Moley!

*********rial Woman
60 Posts
Thread creator JOY-Team 
Poley Moley!
Hi JOYclubers,

have you ever found yourself wondering: Is polyamory right for me? *nachdenk*
Well, all your wondering can come to an end now - or turn into a more educated and reflective form of wondering, either way, you’re gonna learn something (hopefully)

Two weeks ago, we teamed up with Poppy and Estella for a Polyamory Q&A livestream! Were you there? Great! Or did you miss it? Then now’s your chance to watch it back! The two have written us this beautiful article about their collective thoughts on what to DO and what NOT to do if you’re trying to live a polyamorous lifestyle - and we’ve included the recorded Q&A for you!

What about you: Have you been swinging it up since the 60’s or are you fairly new to the whole thing? Do share your advice if you have any experience, or share your thoughts or doubts with the community.

We can’t wait to hear from you!
Yours truly,
JOY_Editorial *blume*
******tor Man
51 Posts
I have been wondering: Is polyamory maybe right for me?

I have never tried, but in hindsight I find that it is probably me. But then... I don't know how polyamory functions, is defined or what it feels like. I am often in a relationship and fall in love with other people. Then I wish I could love them both. Ultimately it leads to break up and new start with a new exclusive partner and the circle continues.

Could polyamory be a way out of this vicious cycle for me? How do I date then? How am I going to bring up the conversation? How much have people to deal with jealousy? How is love shared? How am I going to learn living a poly lifestyle?

I would want to have a community of at least four people, ideally living together and loving being around each other.

Yes, I am wondering!
*******usch Man
1 Posts
Quote from ******tor:
I have been wondering: Is polyamory maybe right for me?

Being polyamorous sometimes feels like a bit of a science project, there is a lot to learn and to unpack. Generally: to find out if it is something for you trying it out or talking to people with experience is a good start. Finding people open to polyamory can be done different ways, you could find people who already are poly, try to learn from them and maybe find people with whom you have good chemistry.
One thing you should be prepared for is that polyamory requires a lot of communication and openness, trust is super important.
Monogamy gives people a sense of security by coming with a lot of unwritten rules, like it usually being not okay to fuck other people, but it also comes with a lot of unclear territory, e.g. one partner thinks kissing other people is fine, the other sees it as an overstepped lines.
Polyamory often tries to have less of these unwritten rules and start clean and fresh with talking about wants and needs.
Going from simply deciding not to live monogamously anymore to living together in a complex constellation like multiple people living together takes quite a journey.
My best advice: Go and seek poly people, you can learn from them. Don't be scared to be one of the new people and also don't feel like you are "not poly enough" or something, especially if you have one or no partners. If you are in a monogamous relationship right now starting to be poly can put a strain on your existing relationship though, so if so start talking about it with your partner.
****67m Couple
30 Posts
We are dreaming about a man
Here I'm *zwinker*
Hope it’s me
*****729 Man
2 Posts
I am new here *zwinker*
******tor Man
51 Posts
Can't believe I started it all. And I am on a journey! After years of not understanding and even daring to think about it, I have set my profile to say I am poly and have a conversation with my partner.
Hi. How's you you. Xxx
I am good and you ?
******ott Man
1 Posts
Looking woman Dorsten or near place
****21 Man
1 Posts
Hallo, ich bin hier und nächsten Monat in Deutschland. Wer sich gerne vorher vernetzen möchte.
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