What is important for you at a first date?

***fz Man
10,347 Posts
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What is important for you at a first date?
We have all had those first dates that were a desaster, and those that went perfectly.

Imagine a story like this:
We met at a bar and it was just - wow! The way she moved, the way she looked at me, the way we talked at the bar, the way she whispered her number in my ear.

After we texted for a while, the first date was planned. A dinner date. As much as it felt exciting my anxiety grew the closer the date came. What if she doesn't like my restaurant choice? What if she doesn't like my dressing style? Should I shave? Or rather not? What am I gonna wear? What do I order? What am I gonna talk about with her, so she doesn't get bored? - My mind was racing!

I am pretty sure, many of you still feel the same way before a first date, especially when you want to impress your dating partner.

  • What are your secrets?
  • What are Do's and Dont's for you at the first date?
  • What do you pay attention to, about yourself and about your dating partner?
  • What kind of first date do you prefer - private or in public? Why?

Let the other anxious daters out there take part in your secrets or your desires. The more tipps we collect, the fewer bad first-dates there are gonna be!

Type away.

Liebe Grüße,
What is this "first date" about? In our thoughts below we talk about a date with somebody you intend to get to know deeper, a potential life partner. We never had an interest in less than that when dating - no ONS, no superficial flings, no "friends with benefits" etc.

We met almost exactly as the entry posting described... in a wine bar. And the first date was set quickly.

A simple rule in life says: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Follow this, and you will be fine. If you find out that you are no match, take it as it is.

Both Mrs. ZeeTee and I do share tons of things - a date was always a time to get to know each other on different levels. Honest, authentic, deep. Nothing superficial.

Quote from ***fz:
What are your secrets?
Be yourself. Talk honestly and openly.

Quote from ***fz:
What are Do's and Dont's for you at the first date?
Do not act. Be authentic. And most of all: have fun!

Quote from ***fz:
What do you pay attention to, about yourself and about your dating partner?
If there is a connection, we have no need to pay special attention to specific details. If there is no chemistry, be honest about it.

Too many people start partnerships despite being fully aware that they are not really a match. The Joyclub forum is filled with threads started by unhappy people who were dishonest from the very beginning, but they preferred to not be alone rather than waiting for a good match.

If there is a connection, we both looked for things we share: hobbys, sports/health, style, cultural interests, similar background, similar lifestyle, similar life goals, similar feelings about closeness and sexuality - in other words: compatibility in life and in the bed. Chemistry decides, it is as simple as that.

Quote from ***fz:
What kind of first date do you prefer - private or in public? Why?
Definitely public. If there is no connection, it is much easier to pull out.

Yet, this is nothing but our very own view on things. Very personal.
It’s pretty simple, there is either chemistry or not. If you’ve made it far enough to establish a first date with me, you’ve already tickled my fancy in some way.
I think the most important thing is not to have any expectations. To be open for the person you are about to meet, and to be yourself. No playacting. And: never complain about your ex! Very bad style. *schock*
*******one Woman
31 Posts
My first date?Hmmm, I did not think much of it, I even forgot about it, until he called to inform me that he was at the restaurant waiting, thank God, the restaurant was not far from my home...And when I got there, he was waiting at the entrance to welcome me...That really tripped me! We got along so easily...We like the food,
all discussions were perfect...
My weapon for a first date, be yourself, and enjoy the company, if it doesnt fit, it is not the end of the world!
Good smile and respect, i think most people have to high expectations. The person should be to tense 😅.
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