Dress code for sex clubs

****rJD Couple
1 Posts
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Dress code for sex clubs
Hello! What is the dress code for sex clubs? Both to get in and once you are in? We are a couple that are into lingerie and not S&M. Will be in Cologne next week so need to know what to pack!
*****ver Man
2 Posts
*******den Man
2 Posts
*******ple Couple
445 Posts
If you would arrive naked at the door, somebody would for sure get worried....maybe police would even arrest you beforehand.
Just dress nice to arrive at the door ( but anything else than careless will be accepted since there are of course changing rooms)
Inside is a good opportunity to fancy your lingerie/female and nice hotpants/ male obsession and everything will be good...later on you can decide to loose those clothes as well...have fun! Wished we could be there too
Most clubs have a dress code listed and some change depending on the night. I suggest checking out the listing and going by that. There is usually a changing area inside.
******ois Couple
36 Posts
You can go to the club in regular clothing, when you get to the there is usually a changing area to get into something more sultry . Most clubs for regular parties are pretty standard , men usually black boxers , black or white T-shirt ,shirtless or naked. Women can go anywhere from naked, lingerie , corsets, leather etc . Main rule is no street clothes in the club.Clubs have the dress code written down under each event they host , especially if it’s a party with a certain theme . You can check out the club scene in cologne by checking events and putting the name of the city in the location field.
*****d79 Couple
540 Posts
Whatever you do, "He" shouldnt be wearing his "best" vest and pants, a real turn off!!!
As previously stated, Clubs sometimes have Mottos (red/white, or christmas, etc, etc). Best to check if there is a certain Motto or dress code on the night.
For the ladies lingerie, sexy dress, whatever you feel comfortable and "sexy" in.
For the man, a suit trousers, good shoes and shirt, or variations thereof
In most clubs, the Taboo is "feinripp" Underwear, Jeans or flip flops and bath towel.
Enjoy your visit.
Very sexy for everyone. Important elegant, in order to be in the light.
We like to be part of a xxx
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