A quick guide to connection and intimacy using the mouth as an instrument of pleasure.
Sure, you could make it about a power dynamic or gender roles, but for Divine Theratrix it’s mostly about being sensual. Read this article to hear about how pegging can be sensual, and surprisingly soothing.
Read on to find out what Queening is and how it can be an activity to fit the many moods of a Queen.
Feel a bit self-conscious playing make-believe? In this article, Divine Theratrix explains how you can maximise your role-play experience by tapping into how you want to feel as another version of yourself or an imaginary character.
Interested in Shibari, but don’t know where to start? Conor Aphilia, a London-based shibari expert explains his approach and what you need to begin your journey.
Shrouded in so much scientific mystery, squirting can come with a bunch of dated stigma, but what do we really know about it?
The pathway between sex and spirit.
Hunting unicorns is easy, if you do it right. You can stand out from the many other couples looking to fulfil their fantasy and attract the few women who are happy to play unicorn by changing up your approach. It isn’t just about what you want- fin
How to be an ethical voyeur.
Wax play can be a delightful and unique experience when done right. Use soy candles in a well-planned, safe and sensual environment to create a sensory experience for your partner, building heat and intensity slowly.
In tantra, our genitals are treated as powerful tools of creation that they are. Giving them proper attention can teach us a lot about our bodies and forces of life.